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Favorite Song

Whats your favorite song from Moulin Rouge? Copy and paste the following and email me (wecouldbeheroes1@hotmail.com) your answers, with "Song" as the subject, and I'll add them below. Thanks!

Favorite Song:

Favorite Song: Your Song
Why?: because its so beautiful! its Ewan's first song in the film and he sings it perfectly!
Favorite Song: Come What May
Why?: It is sooooo beautiful!!  I hope I still like it when I'm older, because I want it to be played at my wedding!!!
Name: Lumiala
Favorite Song: Come What May
Why?: Because it's THE song about Love ! The lovers let their heart speak... I could listen to it millions of time and never get bored... And I want it to be played at my wedding too ! (Doesn't every MR fan have got this idea ? lol)