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Clem's Moulin Rouge Experience

When I finally found time to go to theatres, there wasn't Moulin Rouge anymore... Anyway, I only had one friend who was totally mad about it, my others friends didn't see it too... So I said I'd watch it on TV. 
      I first watched it when I was visiting a friend of mine in september. We had got some time before going to the theatre, so she told me "Did you ever see Moulin Rouge ?" I said no... Then she became really excited and told me "But you MUST see it ! It's the most beautiful movie ever !". So I began watching it. First I was wondering what kind of film it was, I thought it was really crazy... Then an hour later we went to the theatre, and when whe came back, we watched the end of the movie. I don't really remember what I felt... I know I thought Come What May was a beautiful song, and I was soooo happy when they sang it another time at the end ! I didn't cry at the end, because I wasn't really "inside" the movie... But I thought it was a beautiful movie, but no more. When I came back home in the evening, I recieved a mail with bad news, so I didn't think about that film anymore for a week, and I had totally forgotten how to sing the songs...
        One week later... I was at school, and a friend of mine had begun to fall in love with that film, so she lend me her DVD for the week-end. I first wanted to say that I had already see it, but I thought I could see it one more time... and without a break in the middle lol. And when I had the DVD in my hand, I remember "Ouao ! It was such a beautiful film !". And when I came back home, I ran to the TV and watched every song of the film ! Two days later, I bought the CDs and one week later the DVD (well, in fact when I gave hers back, I bougt it ! lol).
        It was the beginning of my new life in fact. Thank to this film I began to smile and to laugh again, especially with my school friends. It was really wonderful. I was singing all the time, and during three months I didn't listen to any other music ! Today we're the 30th of may, I've watched it 16times, and I want to watch it a 17th time for my 17th birthday in June... but I will be on holidays :'( so I'll watch it as soon as I'll be back... lol ! And I've made a website, I've got pictures of MR and Ewan everywhere in my diary, I've got the book, the poster... and that's all, because in France we don't have anything, that's terrible ! I hope to find something more when I'll go to USA in July !
        This was a story about a crazy girl... No, I'm not crazy, I only believe in Love.