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Eponine's Moulin Rouge Story

My Moulin Rouge Experience: Well my friend Gabriel told me about it, and he said that it was his favourite movie, and he loved it. I didn't really want to watch it, because I wasn't a big Nicole Kidman fan, I thought she was a bit snooty (I was wrong!) but anyway, my Mum and Dad kept telling me to watch it. I went to a friend's house, and she had it, so I borrowed it from her, and I went home and started watching it, it got to the bit where Christian is in the Moulin Rouge for the first time. My brother came home from a shopping trip, and he had bought a DVD "Spy Kids". I didn't want to turn it off, but my Mum  yelled at me to let my little brother watch "Spy Kids". So I reluctantly switched it off. I watched the rest later, and I fell in love with Christian while they were in the elephant, and Satine was trying to get off with him, I love the expression on his face where she's on top of him, and his eyes roll back and he groans. Anyway, after that it was undoubttedly my favourite movie!!!

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