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Have you ever had a dream about Moulin Rouge or Ewan? Cut and paste the following and email it to me (wecouldbeheroes1@hotmail.com), with "Dreams" as your subject,  and I'll add it here! Thanks!

My Dream:

* I was looking through my Ewan photo album right before bed, so that I would dream about him, and I did. I have had two Ewan dreams before. They both involve me being at a party and he was the entertainment. Both times, I was in such a rush to get things ready to talk to him, I nearly didn't get to! Anyways, to make a long story short, when it came time to take our picture, he wanted it to look like we had known each other for a long time, so he like kissed me and like nuzzled my cheek. At the time (in my dream), I thought he was weird. But, when I woke up, I was like awww hes so sweet...needless to say, I now look at his pictures almost every night before I fall asleep!   -Megan
*I dreamed that I was in Christian's flat with him, and for some reason he had a coffee machine, but it wasn't working, and he was sitting in the corner going "Coffee, coffee..." and I gave him a big hug, and then we... well yeah... we made love... and when we were done he cried, and it was so unbelievably cute! And I was soooo annoyed when I woke up!!! -Eponine